The constellation Orion

Do it Yourself Star Naming.

Given the fact that no one owns the stars, there is nothing to stop anyone from giving an already name star an “unofficial nickname.” So you can do it yourself, here is how.

  1. Go out at night with family, friends, and the “Star Name” recipient [online or over the phone will work].
  2. Point to a “bright” easy to find star.
  3. Say something like,” From now on, WE will refer to this star as’ _______’ whenever we see it, we will think of you.”
  4. Make your Star Naming certificate.
  5. Use the money you save for something cool like
    1. Magazine Subscriptions
    2. Books
    3. A gift membership to a local astronomy club
    4. Toys
    5. Jewelry
    6. Gourmet meal
    7. Cake
    8. Ice Cream
    9. Cash
    10. Donation to the recipient’s favorite charity[Good If it is Memorial stars for a deceased person]
    11. etc.
  6. Just do not try to use the new unofficial nickname on a “test.”:-)

also see the history of the smiley face